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External Signer

Lodestar supports connecting an external signing server like Web3Signer, Diva, or any other service implementing the remote signing specification. This allows the validator client to operate without storing any validator private keys locally by delegating the signing of messages (e.g. attestations, beacon blocks) to the external signer which is accessed through a REST API via HTTP(S). This API should not be exposed directly to the public Internet and appropriate firewall rules should be in place to restrict access only from the validator client.


Lodestar provides CLI options to connect an external signer.

./lodestar validator --externalSigner.url "http://localhost:9000" --externalSigner.fetch

The validator client will fetch the list of public keys from the external signer and automatically keep them in sync with signers in local validator store by adding newly discovered public keys and removing no longer present public keys on external signer.

By default, the list of public keys will be fetched from the external signer once per epoch (6.4 minutes). This interval can be configured by setting --externalSigner.fetchInterval flag which takes a number in milliseconds.

Alternatively, if it is not desired to use all public keys imported on the external signer, it is also possible to explicitly specify a list of public keys to use by setting the --externalSigner.pubkeys flag instead of --externalSigner.fetch.