The Forest CLI allows for operations to interact with a Filecoin node and the blockchain.

Environment Variables

For nodes not running on a non-default port, or when interacting with a node remotely, you will need to provide the multiaddress information for the node. You will need to either set the environment variable FULLNODE_API_INFO, or prepend it to the command, like so:

FULLNODE_API_INFO="..." forest-wallet new -s bls

On Linux, you can set the environment variable with the following syntax

export FULLNODE_API_INFO="..."

Setting your API info this way will limit the value to your current session. Look online for ways to persist this variable if desired.

The syntax for the FULLNODE_API_INFO variable is as follows:

<admin_token>:/ip4/<ip of host>/tcp/<port>/http

This will use IPv4, TCP, and HTTP when communicating with the RPC API. The admin token can be found when starting the Forest daemon. This will be needed to create tokens with certain permissions such as read, write, sign, or admin.

Token flag

For nodes running on default port and when you are interacting locally, the admin token can also be set using --token flag:

forest-cli --token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJBbGxvdyI6WyJyZWFkIiwid3JpdGUiLCJzaWduIiwiYWRtaW4iXSwiZXhwIjoxNjczMjEwMTkzfQ.xxhmqtG9O3XNTIrOEB2_TWnVkq0JkqzRdw63BdosV0c <subcommand>


The chain-sync CLI can mark blocks to never be synced, provide information about the state of the syncing process, and check blocks that will never be synced (and for what reason).

Wait Wait for the sync process to be complete Usage: forest-cli sync wait Permissions: Read

Status Check the current state of the syncing process, displaying some information Usage: forest-cli sync status Permissions: Read

Check Bad Check if a block has been marked by, identifying the block by CID Usage: forest-cli sync check-bad -c <block cid> Permissions: Read

Mark Bad Mark a block as bad, the syncer will never sync this block Usage: forest-cli sync mark-bad -c <block cid> Permissions: Admin

Message Pool

The Message Pool (mpool) is the component of forest that handles pending messages that have reached the node for inclusion in the chain.

Display the list of all pending messages

Usage: forest-cli mpool pending


  "Message": {
    "Version": 0,
    "To": "t01491",
    "From": "t3sg27lp6xgz3fb7db7t4x4lhmsf3dgu73mj5sodkshh64ftr6dzkrfxrowroon2cr2f3vkumsi4schkpfyvea",
    "Nonce": 14704,
    "Value": "0",
    "GasLimit": 31073678,
    "GasFeeCap": "100507",
    "GasPremium": "99453",
    "Method": 6,
    "Params": "iggZG3DYKlgpAAGC4gOB6AIgRRHJtEnHDx51h/M46ebVUjTD1kowbg+8uWOSrQnQYWwaAAaPXIAaAB45DvQAAAA=",
    "CID": {
      "/": "bafy2bzaceacz2f5k5pcjhzvodhpgin2phycgk2magezaxxp7wcqrjvobbtj5w"
  "Signature": {
    "Type": 2,
    "Data": "hcBY3OATkjMBRly96aViP2CR0R68dqnmlB1k6g2C2EXfe7+AsCN7bF4+M5bA6SecCsP2Fx+NwYkpGBi1CFGon5U9bqilMIiXxuK0mIrNO0d6UocCBGi/IVZwW2K4hT9N"
  "CID": {
    "/": "bafy2bzaceacz2f5k5pcjhzvodhpgin2phycgk2magezaxxp7wcqrjvobbtj5w"

Display the CIDs of pending messages

Usage: forest-cli mpool pending --cids

Display the locally published messages only

Usage: forest-cli mpool pending --local

Display the list of all pending messages originating from a given address

Usage: forest-cli mpool pending --from <address>

Display the list of all pending messages going to a given address

Usage: forest-cli mpool pending --to <address>

You can retrieve statistics about the current messages in the pool.

Display statistics of all pending messages

Usage: forest-cli mpool stat


t3ub2uupkvfwp7zckda2songtluquirgxnooocjfifq6qesxre4igoc3u62njgvmmgnyccmowshbmrolkuni7a: Nonce past: 3, cur: 0, future: 1; FeeCap cur: 0, min-60: 0, gasLimit: 186447391
t3wikyuoalsqxathxey5jcsiowhbmy5o2ip6l4lvpna2rjxjd7micrgmlppjmwwcsnll7xgqzhlqqs6j4xk3oa: Nonce past: 1, cur: 0, future: 0; FeeCap cur: 0, min-60: 0, gasLimit: 66357410
t3wt6c4wla5egncjsgq67lsu4wzu4xtnbeskgupty7udysbiqkr4sw6inqli2nazks2ypwwnmlahtkzd4ghjja: Nonce past: 1, cur: 0, future: 0; FeeCap cur: 0, min-60: 0, gasLimit: 44752713
total: Nonce past: 5, cur: 0, future: 1; FeeCap cur: 0, min-60: 0, gasLimit: 297557514

The Nonce past, cur (current) and future metrics indicate for each sending account actor (the first address) how its message nonces are comparing relatively to its own nonce.

A positive past number indicates messages that have been mined but that are still present in the message pool and/or messages that could not get included in a block. A positive cur number indicates all messages that are waiting to be included in a block. A high number here could mean that the network is enduring some congestion (if those messages are yours, you need to pay attention to the different fees you are using and adjust them). A positive future number means either that your forest node is not fully synced yet or if you are in sync that some messages are using a too small nonce.

The FeeCap cur and min-60 indicate how many messages from the sending account actor have their basefee below to the current tipset basefee and the minimum basefee found in the last 60 tipsets, respectively (use --basefee-lookback flag to change the number of lookback tipsets).

The gasLimit value indicates the sum of gasLimit of all messages from each sending actor.

The final total line is the accumulated sum of each metric for all messages.