Variable ZkSyncMainContractConst

ZkSyncMainContract: Contract<
    readonly [
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "batchNumber";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "batchHash";
                    type: "bytes32";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "commitment";
                    type: "bytes32";
            name: "BlockCommit";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "batchNumber";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "batchHash";
                    type: "bytes32";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "commitment";
                    type: "bytes32";
            name: "BlockExecution";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "totalBatchesCommitted";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "totalBatchesVerified";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "totalBatchesExecuted";
                    type: "uint256";
            name: "BlocksRevert";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "previousLastVerifiedBatch";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "currentLastVerifiedBatch";
                    type: "uint256";
            name: "BlocksVerification";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "to";
                    type: "address";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "amount";
                    type: "uint256";
            name: "EthWithdrawalFinalized";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                            components: readonly [
                                { internalType: "address"; name: "facet"; type: "address" },
                                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                                    name: "action";
                                    type: "uint8";
                                { internalType: "bool"; name: "isFreezable"; type: "bool" },
                                { internalType: "bytes4[]"; name: "selectors"; type: "bytes4[]" },
                            internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                            name: "facetCuts";
                            type: "tuple[]";
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "initAddress"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "initCalldata"; type: "bytes" },
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
                    name: "diamondCut";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "ExecuteUpgrade";
            type: "event";
        { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly []; name: "Freeze"; type: "event" },
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "bool";
                    name: "isPorterAvailable";
                    type: "bool";
            name: "IsPorterAvailableStatusUpdate";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "oldAdmin";
                    type: "address";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "newAdmin";
                    type: "address";
            name: "NewAdmin";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint128";
                    name: "oldNominator";
                    type: "uint128";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint128";
                    name: "oldDenominator";
                    type: "uint128";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint128";
                    name: "newNominator";
                    type: "uint128";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint128";
                    name: "newDenominator";
                    type: "uint128";
            name: "NewBaseTokenMultiplier";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                            internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                            name: "pubdataPricingMode";
                            type: "uint8";
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "batchOverheadL1Gas"; type: "uint32" },
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "maxPubdataPerBatch"; type: "uint32" },
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "maxL2GasPerBatch"; type: "uint32" },
                            internalType: "uint32";
                            name: "priorityTxMaxPubdata";
                            type: "uint32";
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "minimalL2GasPrice"; type: "uint64" },
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "struct FeeParams";
                    name: "oldFeeParams";
                    type: "tuple";
                    components: readonly [
                            internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                            name: "pubdataPricingMode";
                            type: "uint8";
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "batchOverheadL1Gas"; type: "uint32" },
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "maxPubdataPerBatch"; type: "uint32" },
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "maxL2GasPerBatch"; type: "uint32" },
                            internalType: "uint32";
                            name: "priorityTxMaxPubdata";
                            type: "uint32";
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "minimalL2GasPrice"; type: "uint64" },
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "struct FeeParams";
                    name: "newFeeParams";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "NewFeeParams";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "oldPendingAdmin";
                    type: "address";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "newPendingAdmin";
                    type: "address";
            name: "NewPendingAdmin";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "txId";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "txHash";
                    type: "bytes32";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint64";
                    name: "expirationTimestamp";
                    type: "uint64";
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "txType"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "from"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "to"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "gasLimit"; type: "uint256" },
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "gasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                            type: "uint256";
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "maxFeePerGas"; type: "uint256" },
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "maxPriorityFeePerGas";
                            type: "uint256";
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "paymaster"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "nonce"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "value"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "uint256[4]"; name: "reserved"; type: "uint256[4]" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "data"; type: "bytes" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "signature"; type: "bytes" },
                        { internalType: "uint256[]"; name: "factoryDeps"; type: "uint256[]" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "paymasterInput"; type: "bytes" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "reservedDynamic"; type: "bytes" },
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "struct L2CanonicalTransaction";
                    name: "transaction";
                    type: "tuple";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "bytes[]";
                    name: "factoryDeps";
                    type: "bytes[]";
            name: "NewPriorityRequest";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "oldPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "newPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
                    type: "uint256";
            name: "NewPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "oldTransactionFilterer";
                    type: "address";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "newTransactionFilterer";
                    type: "address";
            name: "NewTransactionFilterer";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                            components: readonly [
                                { internalType: "address"; name: "facet"; type: "address" },
                                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                                    name: "action";
                                    type: "uint8";
                                { internalType: "bool"; name: "isFreezable"; type: "bool" },
                                { internalType: "bytes4[]"; name: "selectors"; type: "bytes4[]" },
                            internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                            name: "facetCuts";
                            type: "tuple[]";
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "initAddress"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "initCalldata"; type: "bytes" },
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
                    name: "diamondCut";
                    type: "tuple";
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "proposalId";
                    type: "uint256";
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "proposalSalt";
                    type: "bytes32";
            name: "ProposeTransparentUpgrade";
            type: "event";
        { anonymous: false; inputs: readonly []; name: "Unfreeze"; type: "event" },
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: true;
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "validatorAddress";
                    type: "address";
                { indexed: false; internalType: "bool"; name: "isActive"; type: "bool" },
            name: "ValidatorStatusUpdate";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                    indexed: false;
                    internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                    name: "validiumMode";
                    type: "uint8";
            name: "ValidiumModeStatusUpdate";
            type: "event";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "acceptAdmin";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "baseTokenGasPriceMultiplierDenominator";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint128"; name: ""; type: "uint128" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "baseTokenGasPriceMultiplierNominator";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint128"; name: ""; type: "uint128" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "sender"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "contractL2"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "mintValue"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "l2Value"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "l2Calldata"; type: "bytes" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "l2GasLimit"; type: "uint256" },
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                            type: "uint256";
                        { internalType: "bytes[]"; name: "factoryDeps"; type: "bytes[]" },
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "refundRecipient"; type: "address" },
                    internalType: "struct BridgehubL2TransactionRequest";
                    name: "_request";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "bridgehubRequestL2Transaction";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "canonicalTxHash"; type: "bytes32" },
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                            internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                            name: "pubdataPricingMode";
                            type: "uint8";
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "batchOverheadL1Gas"; type: "uint32" },
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "maxPubdataPerBatch"; type: "uint32" },
                        { internalType: "uint32"; name: "maxL2GasPerBatch"; type: "uint32" },
                            internalType: "uint32";
                            name: "priorityTxMaxPubdata";
                            type: "uint32";
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "minimalL2GasPrice"; type: "uint64" },
                    internalType: "struct FeeParams";
                    name: "_newFeeParams";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "changeFeeParams";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
                    name: "_lastCommittedBatchData";
                    type: "tuple";
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint64" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "newStateRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "bootloaderHeapInitialContentsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "eventsQueueStateHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "systemLogs"; type: "bytes" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "pubdataCommitments"; type: "bytes" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.CommitBatchInfo[]";
                    name: "_newBatchesData";
                    type: "tuple[]";
            name: "commitBatches";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_chainId"; type: "uint256" },
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
                    name: "_lastCommittedBatchData";
                    type: "tuple";
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint64" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "newStateRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "bootloaderHeapInitialContentsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "eventsQueueStateHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "systemLogs"; type: "bytes" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "pubdataCommitments"; type: "bytes" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.CommitBatchInfo[]";
                    name: "_newBatchesData";
                    type: "tuple[]";
            name: "commitBatchesSharedBridge";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
                    name: "_batchesData";
                    type: "tuple[]";
            name: "executeBatches";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_chainId"; type: "uint256" },
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
                    name: "_batchesData";
                    type: "tuple[]";
            name: "executeBatchesSharedBridge";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                            components: readonly [
                                { internalType: "address"; name: "facet"; type: "address" },
                                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                                    name: "action";
                                    type: "uint8";
                                { internalType: "bool"; name: "isFreezable"; type: "bool" },
                                { internalType: "bytes4[]"; name: "selectors"; type: "bytes4[]" },
                            internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                            name: "facetCuts";
                            type: "tuple[]";
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "initAddress"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "initCalldata"; type: "bytes" },
                    internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
                    name: "_diamondCut";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "executeUpgrade";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes4"; name: "_selector"; type: "bytes4" },
            name: "facetAddress";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: "facet"; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "facetAddresses";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address[]"; name: "facets"; type: "address[]" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: "_facet"; type: "address" },
            name: "facetFunctionSelectors";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes4[]"; name: ""; type: "bytes4[]" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "facets";
            outputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "addr"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "bytes4[]"; name: "selectors"; type: "bytes4[]" },
                    internalType: "struct IGetters.Facet[]";
                    name: "";
                    type: "tuple[]";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2BatchNumber"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2MessageIndex"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint16"; name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch"; type: "uint16" },
                { internalType: "bytes"; name: "_message"; type: "bytes" },
                { internalType: "bytes32[]"; name: "_merkleProof"; type: "bytes32[]" },
            name: "finalizeEthWithdrawal";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "freezeDiamond";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getAdmin";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getBaseToken";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getBaseTokenBridge";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getBridgehub";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getFirstUnprocessedPriorityTx";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getL2BootloaderBytecodeHash";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: ""; type: "bytes32" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getL2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: ""; type: "bytes32" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getL2SystemContractsUpgradeBatchNumber";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getL2SystemContractsUpgradeTxHash";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: ""; type: "bytes32" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getName";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "string"; name: ""; type: "string" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getPendingAdmin";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getPriorityQueueSize";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getProtocolVersion";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getPubdataPricingMode";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode"; name: ""; type: "uint8" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getStateTransitionManager";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getTotalBatchesCommitted";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getTotalBatchesExecuted";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getTotalBatchesVerified";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getTotalPriorityTxs";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getVerifier";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "getVerifierParams";
            outputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "recursionNodeLevelVkHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "recursionLeafLevelVkHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "recursionCircuitsSetVksHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                    internalType: "struct VerifierParams";
                    name: "";
                    type: "tuple";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "isDiamondStorageFrozen";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "bool"; name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2BatchNumber"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2MessageIndex"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "isEthWithdrawalFinalized";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "bool"; name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: "_facet"; type: "address" },
            name: "isFacetFreezable";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bool"; name: "isFreezable"; type: "bool" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes4"; name: "_selector"; type: "bytes4" },
            name: "isFunctionFreezable";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "bool"; name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: "_address"; type: "address" },
            name: "isValidator";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "bool"; name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_batchNumber"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "l2LogsRootHash";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "merkleRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_gasPrice"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2GasLimit"; type: "uint256" },
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "_l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                    type: "uint256";
            name: "l2TransactionBaseCost";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: ""; type: "uint256" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "priorityQueueFrontOperation";
            outputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "canonicalTxHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "expirationTimestamp";
                            type: "uint64";
                        { internalType: "uint192"; name: "layer2Tip"; type: "uint192" },
                    internalType: "struct PriorityOperation";
                    name: "";
                    type: "tuple";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
                    name: "_prevBatch";
                    type: "tuple";
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
                    name: "_committedBatches";
                    type: "tuple[]";
                    components: readonly [
                            internalType: "uint256[]";
                            name: "recursiveAggregationInput";
                            type: "uint256[]";
                            internalType: "uint256[]";
                            name: "serializedProof";
                            type: "uint256[]";
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.ProofInput";
                    name: "_proof";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "proveBatches";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_chainId"; type: "uint256" },
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
                    name: "_prevBatch";
                    type: "tuple";
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint64"; name: "batchNumber"; type: "uint64" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "batchHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                            internalType: "uint64";
                            name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                            type: "uint64";
                            internalType: "uint256";
                            name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                            type: "uint256";
                            internalType: "bytes32";
                            name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                            type: "bytes32";
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "l2LogsTreeRoot"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "uint256"; name: "timestamp"; type: "uint256" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "commitment"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
                    name: "_committedBatches";
                    type: "tuple[]";
                    components: readonly [
                            internalType: "uint256[]";
                            name: "recursiveAggregationInput";
                            type: "uint256[]";
                            internalType: "uint256[]";
                            name: "serializedProof";
                            type: "uint256[]";
                    internalType: "struct IExecutor.ProofInput";
                    name: "_proof";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "proveBatchesSharedBridge";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_l2TxHash"; type: "bytes32" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2BatchNumber"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2MessageIndex"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint16"; name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch"; type: "uint16" },
                { internalType: "bytes32[]"; name: "_merkleProof"; type: "bytes32[]" },
                { internalType: "enum TxStatus"; name: "_status"; type: "uint8" },
            name: "proveL1ToL2TransactionStatus";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "bool"; name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_batchNumber"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_index"; type: "uint256" },
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint8"; name: "l2ShardId"; type: "uint8" },
                        { internalType: "bool"; name: "isService"; type: "bool" },
                        { internalType: "uint16"; name: "txNumberInBatch"; type: "uint16" },
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "sender"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "key"; type: "bytes32" },
                        { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "value"; type: "bytes32" },
                    internalType: "struct L2Log";
                    name: "_log";
                    type: "tuple";
                { internalType: "bytes32[]"; name: "_proof"; type: "bytes32[]" },
            name: "proveL2LogInclusion";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "bool"; name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_batchNumber"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_index"; type: "uint256" },
                    components: readonly [
                        { internalType: "uint16"; name: "txNumberInBatch"; type: "uint16" },
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "sender"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "data"; type: "bytes" },
                    internalType: "struct L2Message";
                    name: "_message";
                    type: "tuple";
                { internalType: "bytes32[]"; name: "_proof"; type: "bytes32[]" },
            name: "proveL2MessageInclusion";
            outputs: readonly [{ internalType: "bool"; name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: "_contractL2"; type: "address" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2Value"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "bytes"; name: "_calldata"; type: "bytes" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_l2GasLimit"; type: "uint256" },
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "_l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                    type: "uint256";
                { internalType: "bytes[]"; name: "_factoryDeps"; type: "bytes[]" },
                { internalType: "address"; name: "_refundRecipient"; type: "address" },
            name: "requestL2Transaction";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: "canonicalTxHash"; type: "bytes32" },
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_newLastBatch"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "revertBatches";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_chainId"; type: "uint256" },
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_newLastBatch"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "revertBatchesSharedBridge";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "_newPendingAdmin";
                    type: "address";
            name: "setPendingAdmin";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bool"; name: "_zkPorterIsAvailable"; type: "bool" },
            name: "setPorterAvailability";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "_newPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
                    type: "uint256";
            name: "setPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint128"; name: "_nominator"; type: "uint128" },
                { internalType: "uint128"; name: "_denominator"; type: "uint128" },
            name: "setTokenMultiplier";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "_transactionFilterer";
                    type: "address";
            name: "setTransactionFilterer";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "address"; name: "_validator"; type: "address" },
                { internalType: "bool"; name: "_active"; type: "bool" },
            name: "setValidator";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                    name: "_validiumMode";
                    type: "uint8";
            name: "setValidiumMode";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "uint256"; name: "_batchNumber"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "storedBatchHash";
            outputs: readonly [
                { internalType: "bytes32"; name: ""; type: "bytes32" },
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "transferEthToSharedBridge";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "unfreezeDiamond";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            inputs: readonly [
                    internalType: "uint256";
                    name: "_protocolVersion";
                    type: "uint256";
                    components: readonly [
                            components: readonly [
                                { internalType: "address"; name: "facet"; type: "address" },
                                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                                    name: "action";
                                    type: "uint8";
                                { internalType: "bool"; name: "isFreezable"; type: "bool" },
                                { internalType: "bytes4[]"; name: "selectors"; type: "bytes4[]" },
                            internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                            name: "facetCuts";
                            type: "tuple[]";
                        { internalType: "address"; name: "initAddress"; type: "address" },
                        { internalType: "bytes"; name: "initCalldata"; type: "bytes" },
                    internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
                    name: "_cutData";
                    type: "tuple";
            name: "upgradeChainFromVersion";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
> = ...

The web3.js Contract instance for the ZkSync interface.