Variable IERC20ContractConst

IERC20Contract: Contract<
    readonly [
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "name";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "string" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                { name: "_spender"; type: "address" },
                { name: "_value"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "approve";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "totalSupply";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "uint256" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                { name: "_from"; type: "address" },
                { name: "_to"; type: "address" },
                { name: "_value"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "transferFrom";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "decimals";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "uint8" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [{ name: "_owner"; type: "address" }];
            name: "balanceOf";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: "balance"; type: "uint256" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "symbol";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "string" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                { name: "_to"; type: "address" },
                { name: "_value"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "transfer";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "bool" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [
                { name: "_owner"; type: "address" },
                { name: "_spender"; type: "address" },
            name: "allowance";
            outputs: readonly [{ name: ""; type: "uint256" }];
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        { payable: true; stateMutability: "payable"; type: "fallback" },
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                { indexed: true; name: "owner"; type: "address" },
                { indexed: true; name: "spender"; type: "address" },
                { indexed: false; name: "value"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "Approval";
            type: "event";
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [
                { indexed: true; name: "from"; type: "address" },
                { indexed: true; name: "to"; type: "address" },
                { indexed: false; name: "value"; type: "uint256" },
            name: "Transfer";
            type: "event";
> = ...

The web3.js Contract instance for the IERC20 interface, which is utilized for interacting with ERC20 tokens.