Variable ContractDeployerContractConst
ContractDeployerContract: Contract<
readonly [
anonymous: false;
inputs: readonly [
indexed: true;
internalType: "address";
name: "accountAddress";
type: "address";
indexed: false;
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountNonceOrdering";
name: "nonceOrdering";
type: "uint8";
name: "AccountNonceOrderingUpdated";
type: "event";
anonymous: false;
inputs: readonly [
indexed: true;
internalType: "address";
name: "accountAddress";
type: "address";
indexed: false;
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountAbstractionVersion";
name: "aaVersion";
type: "uint8";
name: "AccountVersionUpdated";
type: "event";
anonymous: false;
inputs: readonly [
indexed: true;
internalType: "address";
name: "deployerAddress";
type: "address";
indexed: true;
internalType: "bytes32";
name: "bytecodeHash";
type: "bytes32";
indexed: true;
internalType: "address";
name: "contractAddress";
type: "address";
name: "ContractDeployed";
type: "event";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_salt"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_bytecodeHash"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes"; name: "_input"; type: "bytes" },
name: "create";
outputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
stateMutability: "payable";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_salt"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_bytecodeHash"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes"; name: "_input"; type: "bytes" },
name: "create2";
outputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
stateMutability: "payable";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_salt"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_bytecodeHash"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes"; name: "_input"; type: "bytes" },
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountAbstractionVersion";
name: "_aaVersion";
type: "uint8";
name: "create2Account";
outputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
stateMutability: "payable";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: ""; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_bytecodeHash"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes"; name: "_input"; type: "bytes" },
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountAbstractionVersion";
name: "_aaVersion";
type: "uint8";
name: "createAccount";
outputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: ""; type: "address" },
stateMutability: "payable";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: "_address"; type: "address" },
name: "extendedAccountVersion";
outputs: readonly [
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountAbstractionVersion";
name: "";
type: "uint8";
stateMutability: "view";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
components: readonly [
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "bytecodeHash"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "address"; name: "newAddress"; type: "address" },
{ internalType: "bool"; name: "callConstructor"; type: "bool" },
{ internalType: "uint256"; name: "value"; type: "uint256" },
{ internalType: "bytes"; name: "input"; type: "bytes" },
internalType: "struct ContractDeployer.ForceDeployment";
name: "_deployment";
type: "tuple";
{ internalType: "address"; name: "_sender"; type: "address" },
name: "forceDeployOnAddress";
outputs: readonly [];
stateMutability: "payable";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
components: readonly [
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "bytecodeHash"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "address"; name: "newAddress"; type: "address" },
{ internalType: "bool"; name: "callConstructor"; type: "bool" },
{ internalType: "uint256"; name: "value"; type: "uint256" },
{ internalType: "bytes"; name: "input"; type: "bytes" },
internalType: "struct ContractDeployer.ForceDeployment[]";
name: "_deployments";
type: "tuple[]";
name: "forceDeployOnAddresses";
outputs: readonly [];
stateMutability: "payable";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: "_address"; type: "address" },
name: "getAccountInfo";
outputs: readonly [
components: readonly [
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountAbstractionVersion";
name: "supportedAAVersion";
type: "uint8";
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountNonceOrdering";
name: "nonceOrdering";
type: "uint8";
internalType: "struct IContractDeployer.AccountInfo";
name: "info";
type: "tuple";
stateMutability: "view";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: "_sender"; type: "address" },
{ internalType: "uint256"; name: "_senderNonce"; type: "uint256" },
name: "getNewAddressCreate";
outputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: "newAddress"; type: "address" },
stateMutability: "pure";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: "_sender"; type: "address" },
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_bytecodeHash"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes32"; name: "_salt"; type: "bytes32" },
{ internalType: "bytes"; name: "_input"; type: "bytes" },
name: "getNewAddressCreate2";
outputs: readonly [
{ internalType: "address"; name: "newAddress"; type: "address" },
stateMutability: "view";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountAbstractionVersion";
name: "_version";
type: "uint8";
name: "updateAccountVersion";
outputs: readonly [];
stateMutability: "nonpayable";
type: "function";
inputs: readonly [
internalType: "enum IContractDeployer.AccountNonceOrdering";
name: "_nonceOrdering";
type: "uint8";
name: "updateNonceOrdering";
outputs: readonly [];
stateMutability: "nonpayable";
type: "function";
> = ...
The web3.js Contract instance for the
interface, which is utilized for deploying smart contracts.