Capabilities for integrating, creating, and managing ZKsync wallets.


  • Adapters
    • ZKsyncWallet


  • Parameters

    • privateKey: string

      The private key of the account.

    • OptionalproviderL2: Web3ZKsyncL2

      The provider instance for connecting to a L2 network.

    • OptionalproviderL1: Web3ZKsyncL1

      The provider instance for connecting to a L1 network.

    Returns ZKsyncWallet

    import { Web3ZKsyncL1, Web3ZKsyncL2, ZKsyncWallet } from "web3-plugin-zksync";

    const l2Provider = new Web3ZKsyncL2("");
    const l1Provider = new Web3ZKsyncL1("");
    const wallet = new ZKsyncWallet(PRIVATE_KEY, l2Provider, l1Provider);
    import { Web3 } from "web3";
    import { ZkSyncPlugin } from "web3-plugin-zksync";

    const web3 = new Web3("");
    web3.registerPlugin(new ZkSyncPlugin(""));

    const zkWallet = new web3.ZKsync.ZkWallet(PRIVATE_KEY);


account: Web3Account
adapterL2: AdapterL2
provider: Web3ZKsyncL2
providerL1?: Web3ZKsyncL1



  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<{
        mintValue: bigint;
        tx: {
            amount: Numbers;
            approveBaseERC20?: boolean;
            approveBaseOverrides?: TransactionOverrides;
            approveERC20?: boolean;
            approveOverrides?: TransactionOverrides;
            bridgeAddress?: string;
            calldata: string;
            contractAddress: undefined | string;
            customBridgeData?: Bytes;
            gasPerPubdataByte?: Numbers;
            l2GasLimit?: Numbers;
            l2Value: Numbers;
            mintValue: bigint;
            operatorTip?: Numbers;
            overrides?: TransactionOverrides;
            refundRecipient?: string;
            to?: string;
            token: string;

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<{
        amount: Numbers;
        approveBaseERC20?: boolean;
        approveBaseOverrides?: TransactionOverrides;
        approveERC20?: boolean;
        approveOverrides?: TransactionOverrides;
        bridgeAddress?: string;
        calldata: string;
        contractAddress: undefined | string;
        customBridgeData?: Bytes;
        gasPerPubdataByte?: Numbers;
        l2GasLimit?: Numbers;
        l2Value: Numbers;
        mintValue: Numbers;
        operatorTip?: Numbers;
        overrides?: TransactionOverrides;
        refundRecipient?: string;
        to?: string;
        token: string;

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<{
        mintValue: bigint;
        overrides: TransactionOverrides;
        tx: PayableMethodObject<[{
            chainId: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2GasLimit: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2Value: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            mintValue: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            refundRecipient: string;
            secondBridgeAddress: string;
            secondBridgeCalldata: MatchPrimitiveType<"bytes", unknown>;
            secondBridgeValue: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
        }], MatchPrimitiveType<"bytes32", unknown>>;

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<{
        mintValue: bigint;
        overrides: TransactionOverrides;
        tx: PayableMethodObject<[{
            chainId: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2GasLimit: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2Value: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            mintValue: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            refundRecipient: string;
            secondBridgeAddress: string;
            secondBridgeCalldata: MatchPrimitiveType<"bytes", unknown>;
            secondBridgeValue: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
        }], MatchPrimitiveType<"bytes32", unknown>>;

  • Parameters

    • withdrawalHash: Bytes
    • index: number = 0

    Returns Promise<{
        l2ToL1Log: {
            blockHash: string;
            blockNumber: string | number | bigint;
            isService: boolean;
            key: string;
            l1BatchNumber: string | number | bigint;
            logIndex: string | number | bigint;
            sender: string;
            shardId: string | number | bigint;
            transactionHash: string;
            transactionIndex: string | number | bigint;
            value: string;
        l2ToL1LogIndex: number;

  • Bridging ERC20 tokens from L1 requires approving the tokens to the ZKsync Era smart contract.


    • token: string

      The L1 address of the token.

    • amount: Numbers

      The amount of the token to be approved.

    • Optionaloverrides: TransactionOverrides & {
          bridgeAddress?: string;

      Transaction's overrides which may be used to pass L1 gasLimit, gasPrice, value, etc.

    Returns Promise<{
        blockHash: string;
        blockNumber: bigint;
        contractAddress?: string;
        cumulativeGasUsed: bigint;
        effectiveGasPrice?: bigint;
        events?: {};
        from: string;
        gasUsed: bigint;
        logs: {
            address?: string;
            blockHash?: string;
            blockNumber?: bigint;
            data?: string;
            id?: string;
            logIndex?: bigint;
            removed?: boolean;
            topics?: string[];
            transactionHash?: string;
            transactionIndex?: bigint;
        logsBloom: string;
        root: string;
        status: bigint;
        to: string;
        transactionHash: string;
        transactionIndex: bigint;
        type?: bigint;

    A promise that resolves to the response of the approval transaction.

    If attempting to approve an ETH token.

  • Withdraws funds from the initiated deposit, which failed when finalizing on L2. If the deposit L2 transaction has failed, it sends an L1 transaction calling claimFailedDeposit method of the L1 bridge, which results in returning L1 tokens back to the depositor.


    • depositHash: Bytes

      The L2 transaction hash of the failed deposit.

    • Optionaloverrides: TransactionOverrides

      Transaction's overrides which may be used to pass L1 gasLimit, gasPrice, value, etc.

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt>

    A promise that resolves to the response of the claimFailedDeposit transaction.

    If attempting to claim successful deposit.

  • Transfers the specified token from the associated account on the L1 network to the target account on the L2 network. The token can be either ETH or any ERC20 token. For ERC20 tokens, enough approved tokens must be associated with the specified L1 bridge (default one or the one defined in transaction.bridgeAddress). In this case, depending on is the chain ETH-based or not transaction.approveERC20 or transaction.approveBaseERC20 can be enabled to perform token approval. If there are already enough approved tokens for the L1 bridge, token approval will be skipped. To check the amount of approved tokens for a specific bridge, use the getAllowanceL1 method.


    Returns Promise<PriorityOpResponse>

  • Estimates the amount of gas required for a deposit transaction on the L1 network. Gas for approving ERC20 tokens is not included in the estimation.

    In order for estimation to work, enough token allowance is required in the following cases:

    • Depositing ERC20 tokens on an ETH-based chain.
    • Depositing any token (including ETH) on a non-ETH-based chain.


    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Estimates the amount of gas required for a request execute transaction.


    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Proves the inclusion of the L2->L1 withdrawal message.


    • withdrawalHash: Bytes

      Hash of the L2 transaction where the withdrawal was initiated.

    • Optionalindex: number = 0

      In case there were multiple withdrawals in one transaction, you may pass an index of the withdrawal you want to finalize.

    • Optionaloverrides: TransactionOverrides

      Transaction's overrides which may be used to pass L1 gasLimit, gasPrice, value, etc.

    Returns Promise<{
        blockHash: string;
        blockNumber: bigint;
        contractAddress?: string;
        cumulativeGasUsed: bigint;
        effectiveGasPrice?: bigint;
        events?: {};
        from: string;
        gasUsed: bigint;
        logs: {
            address?: string;
            blockHash?: string;
            blockNumber?: bigint;
            data?: string;
            id?: string;
            logIndex?: bigint;
            removed?: boolean;
            topics?: string[];
            transactionHash?: string;
            transactionIndex?: bigint;
        logsBloom: string;
        root: string;
        status: bigint;
        to: string;
        transactionHash: string;
        transactionIndex: bigint;
        type?: bigint;

    A promise that resolves to the proof of inclusion of the withdrawal message.

    If log proof can not be found.

  • Returns the parameters required for finalizing a withdrawal from the withdrawal transaction's log on the L1 network.


    • withdrawalHash: Bytes

      Hash of the L2 transaction where the withdrawal was initiated.

    • Optionalindex: number = 0

      In case there were multiple withdrawals in one transaction, you may pass an index of the withdrawal you want to finalize.

    Returns Promise<FinalizeWithdrawalParams>

    If log proof can not be found.

  • Returns the amount of approved tokens for a specific L1 bridge.


    • token: string

      The Ethereum address of the token.

    • OptionalbridgeAddress: string

      The address of the bridge contract to be used. Defaults to the default ZKsync Era bridge, either L1EthBridge or L1Erc20Bridge.

    • OptionalblockTag: BlockNumberOrTag

      The block in which an allowance should be checked. Defaults to 'committed', i.e., the latest processed block.

    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Parameters

    • Optionaltoken: string
    • blockTag: BlockNumberOrTag = 'latest'

    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Returns the amount of the token held by the account on the L1 network.


    • Optionaltoken: string

      The address of the token. Defaults to ETH if not provided.

    • OptionalblockTag: BlockNumberOrTag

      The block in which the balance should be checked. Defaults to 'committed', i.e., the latest processed block.

    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Returns the base cost for an L2 transaction.


    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Returns the address of the base token on L1.

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Returns Contract wrapper of the Bridgehub smart contract.


    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<Contract<readonly [{
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "oldAdmin";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "newAdmin";
            type: "address";
        name: "NewAdmin";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "stateTransitionManager";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "chainGovernance";
            type: "address";
        name: "NewChain";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "oldPendingAdmin";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "newPendingAdmin";
            type: "address";
        name: "NewPendingAdmin";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "acceptAdmin";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_stateTransitionManager";
            type: "address";
        name: "addStateTransitionManager";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_token";
            type: "address";
        name: "addToken";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "baseToken";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_stateTransitionManager";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_baseToken";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_salt";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_admin";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes";
            name: "_initData";
            type: "bytes";
        name: "createNewChain";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "getStateTransition";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_gasPrice";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2GasLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "l2TransactionBaseCost";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "_l2TxHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2BatchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2MessageIndex";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint16";
            name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch";
            type: "uint16";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32[]";
            name: "_merkleProof";
            type: "bytes32[]";
        }, {
            internalType: "enum TxStatus";
            name: "_status";
            type: "uint8";
        name: "proveL1ToL2TransactionStatus";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_index";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint8";
                name: "l2ShardId";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                internalType: "bool";
                name: "isService";
                type: "bool";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "txNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "sender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "key";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "value";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct L2Log";
            name: "_log";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32[]";
            name: "_proof";
            type: "bytes32[]";
        name: "proveL2LogInclusion";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_index";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "txNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "sender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "data";
                type: "bytes";
            internalType: "struct L2Message";
            name: "_message";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32[]";
            name: "_proof";
            type: "bytes32[]";
        name: "proveL2MessageInclusion";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_stateTransitionManager";
            type: "address";
        name: "removeStateTransitionManager";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "mintValue";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l2Contract";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2Value";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "l2Calldata";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2GasLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes[]";
                name: "factoryDeps";
                type: "bytes[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "refundRecipient";
                type: "address";
            internalType: "struct L2TransactionRequestDirect";
            name: "_request";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "requestL2TransactionDirect";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "canonicalTxHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "payable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "mintValue";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2Value";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2GasLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "refundRecipient";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "secondBridgeAddress";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "secondBridgeValue";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "secondBridgeCalldata";
                type: "bytes";
            internalType: "struct L2TransactionRequestTwoBridgesOuter";
            name: "_request";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "requestL2TransactionTwoBridges";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "canonicalTxHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "payable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_newPendingAdmin";
            type: "address";
        name: "setPendingAdmin";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_sharedBridge";
            type: "address";
        name: "setSharedBridge";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "sharedBridge";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "contract IL1SharedBridge";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "stateTransitionManager";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_stateTransitionManager";
            type: "address";
        name: "stateTransitionManagerIsRegistered";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_baseToken";
            type: "address";
        name: "tokenIsRegistered";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";

  • Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Returns the parameters for the approval token transaction based on the deposit token and amount. Some deposit transactions require multiple approvals. Existing allowance for the bridge is not checked; allowance is calculated solely based on the specified amount.


    • token: string

      The address of the token to deposit.

    • amount: Numbers

      The amount of the token to deposit.

    Returns Promise<TokenAllowanceResult[]>

  • Returns a populated deposit transaction.


    Returns Promise<any>

  • Retrieves the full needed ETH fee for the deposit. Returns the L1 fee and the L2 fee FullDepositFee.


    Returns Promise<FullDepositFee>


    • There's not enough balance for the deposit under the provided gas price.
    • There's not enough allowance to cover the deposit.
  • Returns L1 bridge contracts.


    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<{
        erc20: Contract<readonly [{
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "name";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "string";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_spender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "approve";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "bool";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "totalSupply";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "uint256";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_from";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "transferFrom";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "bool";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "decimals";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "uint8";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_owner";
                type: "address";
            name: "balanceOf";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "balance";
                type: "uint256";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "symbol";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "string";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "transfer";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "bool";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_owner";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_spender";
                type: "address";
            name: "allowance";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "uint256";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            payable: true;
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "fallback";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                name: "owner";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                name: "spender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                name: "value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "Approval";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                name: "from";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                name: "to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                name: "value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "Transfer";
            type: "event";
        shared: Contract<readonly [{
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "from";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "amount";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "BridgehubDepositBaseTokenInitiated";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "txDataHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2DepositTxHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            name: "BridgehubDepositFinalized";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "txDataHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "from";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "amount";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "BridgehubDepositInitiated";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "amount";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "ClaimedFailedDepositSharedBridge";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2DepositTxHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "from";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "amount";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "LegacyDepositInitiated";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "amount";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "WithdrawalFinalizedSharedBridge";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "bridgehub";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "contract IBridgehub";
                name: "";
                type: "address";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "_txDataHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "_txHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            name: "bridgehubConfirmL2Transaction";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_prevMsgSender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2Value";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "_data";
                type: "bytes";
            name: "bridgehubDeposit";
            outputs: readonly [{
                components: readonly [{
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "magicValue";
                    type: "bytes32";
                }, {
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "l2Contract";
                    type: "address";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bytes";
                    name: "l2Calldata";
                    type: "bytes";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bytes[]";
                    name: "factoryDeps";
                    type: "bytes[]";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bytes32";
                    name: "txDataHash";
                    type: "bytes32";
                internalType: "struct L2TransactionRequestTwoBridgesInner";
                name: "request";
                type: "tuple";
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_prevMsgSender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_amount";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "bridgehubDepositBaseToken";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_depositSender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_amount";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "_l2TxHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2BatchNumber";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2MessageIndex";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32[]";
                name: "_merkleProof";
                type: "bytes32[]";
            name: "claimFailedDeposit";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_depositSender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_amount";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "_l2TxHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2BatchNumber";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2MessageIndex";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32[]";
                name: "_merkleProof";
                type: "bytes32[]";
            name: "claimFailedDepositLegacyErc20Bridge";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "_l2TxHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            name: "depositHappened";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "";
                type: "bytes32";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_msgSender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_l2Receiver";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_amount";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2TxGasLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2TxGasPerPubdataByte";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "_refundRecipient";
                type: "address";
            name: "depositLegacyErc20Bridge";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "txHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2BatchNumber";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2MessageIndex";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "_message";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32[]";
                name: "_merkleProof";
                type: "bytes32[]";
            name: "finalizeWithdrawal";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2BatchNumber";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2MessageIndex";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "_message";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32[]";
                name: "_merkleProof";
                type: "bytes32[]";
            name: "finalizeWithdrawalLegacyErc20Bridge";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l1Receiver";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "l1Token";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "amount";
                type: "uint256";
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2BatchNumber";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_l2MessageIndex";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "isWithdrawalFinalized";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "bool";
                name: "";
                type: "bool";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "l1WethAddress";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "address";
                name: "";
                type: "address";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "l2BridgeAddress";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "address";
                name: "";
                type: "address";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "legacyBridge";
            outputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "contract IL1ERC20Bridge";
                name: "";
                type: "address";
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_chainId";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "receiveEth";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            inputs: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "_eraFirstPostUpgradeBatch";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "setEraFirstPostUpgradeBatch";
            outputs: readonly [];
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        weth: Contract<readonly [{
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "name";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "string";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_spender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "approve";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "bool";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "totalSupply";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "uint256";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_from";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "transferFrom";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "bool";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "decimals";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "uint8";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_owner";
                type: "address";
            name: "balanceOf";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "balance";
                type: "uint256";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [];
            name: "symbol";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "string";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "transfer";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "bool";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "nonpayable";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            constant: true;
            inputs: readonly [{
                name: "_owner";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                name: "_spender";
                type: "address";
            name: "allowance";
            outputs: readonly [{
                name: "";
                type: "uint256";
            payable: false;
            stateMutability: "view";
            type: "function";
        }, {
            payable: true;
            stateMutability: "payable";
            type: "fallback";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                name: "owner";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                name: "spender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                name: "value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "Approval";
            type: "event";
        }, {
            anonymous: false;
            inputs: readonly [{
                indexed: true;
                name: "from";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: true;
                name: "to";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                indexed: false;
                name: "value";
                type: "uint256";
            name: "Transfer";
            type: "event";

    There is no separate Ether bridge contract, Bridgehub is used instead.

  • Returns Contract wrapper of the ZKsync Era smart contract.


    • returnFormat: DataFormat = DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT

    Returns Promise<Contract<readonly [{
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "batchHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "commitment";
            type: "bytes32";
        name: "BlockCommit";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "batchHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "commitment";
            type: "bytes32";
        name: "BlockExecution";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "totalBatchesCommitted";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "totalBatchesVerified";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "totalBatchesExecuted";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "BlocksRevert";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "previousLastVerifiedBatch";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "currentLastVerifiedBatch";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "BlocksVerification";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "to";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "amount";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "EthWithdrawalFinalized";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                components: readonly [{
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "facet";
                    type: "address";
                }, {
                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                    name: "action";
                    type: "uint8";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bool";
                    name: "isFreezable";
                    type: "bool";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bytes4[]";
                    name: "selectors";
                    type: "bytes4[]";
                internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                name: "facetCuts";
                type: "tuple[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "initAddress";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "initCalldata";
                type: "bytes";
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
            name: "diamondCut";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "ExecuteUpgrade";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "Freeze";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "isPorterAvailable";
            type: "bool";
        name: "IsPorterAvailableStatusUpdate";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "oldAdmin";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "newAdmin";
            type: "address";
        name: "NewAdmin";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "oldNominator";
            type: "uint128";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "oldDenominator";
            type: "uint128";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "newNominator";
            type: "uint128";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "newDenominator";
            type: "uint128";
        name: "NewBaseTokenMultiplier";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                name: "pubdataPricingMode";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "batchOverheadL1Gas";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "maxPubdataPerBatch";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "maxL2GasPerBatch";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "priorityTxMaxPubdata";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "minimalL2GasPrice";
                type: "uint64";
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "struct FeeParams";
            name: "oldFeeParams";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                name: "pubdataPricingMode";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "batchOverheadL1Gas";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "maxPubdataPerBatch";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "maxL2GasPerBatch";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "priorityTxMaxPubdata";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "minimalL2GasPrice";
                type: "uint64";
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "struct FeeParams";
            name: "newFeeParams";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "NewFeeParams";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "oldPendingAdmin";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "newPendingAdmin";
            type: "address";
        name: "NewPendingAdmin";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "txId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "txHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint64";
            name: "expirationTimestamp";
            type: "uint64";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "txType";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "from";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "to";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "gasLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "gasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "maxFeePerGas";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "maxPriorityFeePerGas";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "paymaster";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "nonce";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "value";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256[4]";
                name: "reserved";
                type: "uint256[4]";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "data";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "signature";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256[]";
                name: "factoryDeps";
                type: "uint256[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "paymasterInput";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "reservedDynamic";
                type: "bytes";
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "struct L2CanonicalTransaction";
            name: "transaction";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "bytes[]";
            name: "factoryDeps";
            type: "bytes[]";
        name: "NewPriorityRequest";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "oldPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "newPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "NewPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "oldTransactionFilterer";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "newTransactionFilterer";
            type: "address";
        name: "NewTransactionFilterer";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                components: readonly [{
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "facet";
                    type: "address";
                }, {
                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                    name: "action";
                    type: "uint8";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bool";
                    name: "isFreezable";
                    type: "bool";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bytes4[]";
                    name: "selectors";
                    type: "bytes4[]";
                internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                name: "facetCuts";
                type: "tuple[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "initAddress";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "initCalldata";
                type: "bytes";
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
            name: "diamondCut";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "proposalId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "proposalSalt";
            type: "bytes32";
        name: "ProposeTransparentUpgrade";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "Unfreeze";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: true;
            internalType: "address";
            name: "validatorAddress";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "isActive";
            type: "bool";
        name: "ValidatorStatusUpdate";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        anonymous: false;
        inputs: readonly [{
            indexed: false;
            internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
            name: "validiumMode";
            type: "uint8";
        name: "ValidiumModeStatusUpdate";
        type: "event";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "acceptAdmin";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "baseTokenGasPriceMultiplierDenominator";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "";
            type: "uint128";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "baseTokenGasPriceMultiplierNominator";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "";
            type: "uint128";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "address";
                name: "sender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "contractL2";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "mintValue";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2Value";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "l2Calldata";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2GasLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes[]";
                name: "factoryDeps";
                type: "bytes[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "refundRecipient";
                type: "address";
            internalType: "struct BridgehubL2TransactionRequest";
            name: "_request";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "bridgehubRequestL2Transaction";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "canonicalTxHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "payable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
                name: "pubdataPricingMode";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "batchOverheadL1Gas";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "maxPubdataPerBatch";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "maxL2GasPerBatch";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint32";
                name: "priorityTxMaxPubdata";
                type: "uint32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "minimalL2GasPrice";
                type: "uint64";
            internalType: "struct FeeParams";
            name: "_newFeeParams";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "changeFeeParams";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
            name: "_lastCommittedBatchData";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "newStateRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "bootloaderHeapInitialContentsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "eventsQueueStateHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "systemLogs";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "pubdataCommitments";
                type: "bytes";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.CommitBatchInfo[]";
            name: "_newBatchesData";
            type: "tuple[]";
        name: "commitBatches";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
            name: "_lastCommittedBatchData";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "newStateRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "bootloaderHeapInitialContentsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "eventsQueueStateHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "systemLogs";
                type: "bytes";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "pubdataCommitments";
                type: "bytes";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.CommitBatchInfo[]";
            name: "_newBatchesData";
            type: "tuple[]";
        name: "commitBatchesSharedBridge";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
            name: "_batchesData";
            type: "tuple[]";
        name: "executeBatches";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
            name: "_batchesData";
            type: "tuple[]";
        name: "executeBatchesSharedBridge";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                components: readonly [{
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "facet";
                    type: "address";
                }, {
                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                    name: "action";
                    type: "uint8";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bool";
                    name: "isFreezable";
                    type: "bool";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bytes4[]";
                    name: "selectors";
                    type: "bytes4[]";
                internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                name: "facetCuts";
                type: "tuple[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "initAddress";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "initCalldata";
                type: "bytes";
            internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
            name: "_diamondCut";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "executeUpgrade";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes4";
            name: "_selector";
            type: "bytes4";
        name: "facetAddress";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "facet";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "facetAddresses";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address[]";
            name: "facets";
            type: "address[]";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_facet";
            type: "address";
        name: "facetFunctionSelectors";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes4[]";
            name: "";
            type: "bytes4[]";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "facets";
        outputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "address";
                name: "addr";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes4[]";
                name: "selectors";
                type: "bytes4[]";
            internalType: "struct IGetters.Facet[]";
            name: "";
            type: "tuple[]";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2BatchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2MessageIndex";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint16";
            name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch";
            type: "uint16";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes";
            name: "_message";
            type: "bytes";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32[]";
            name: "_merkleProof";
            type: "bytes32[]";
        name: "finalizeEthWithdrawal";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "freezeDiamond";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getAdmin";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getBaseToken";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getBaseTokenBridge";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getBridgehub";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getFirstUnprocessedPriorityTx";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getL2BootloaderBytecodeHash";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getL2DefaultAccountBytecodeHash";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getL2SystemContractsUpgradeBatchNumber";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getL2SystemContractsUpgradeTxHash";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getName";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "string";
            name: "";
            type: "string";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getPendingAdmin";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getPriorityQueueSize";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getProtocolVersion";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getPubdataPricingMode";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
            name: "";
            type: "uint8";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getStateTransitionManager";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getTotalBatchesCommitted";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getTotalBatchesExecuted";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getTotalBatchesVerified";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getTotalPriorityTxs";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getVerifier";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "";
            type: "address";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "getVerifierParams";
        outputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "recursionNodeLevelVkHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "recursionLeafLevelVkHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "recursionCircuitsSetVksHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct VerifierParams";
            name: "";
            type: "tuple";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "isDiamondStorageFrozen";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2BatchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2MessageIndex";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "isEthWithdrawalFinalized";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_facet";
            type: "address";
        name: "isFacetFreezable";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "isFreezable";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes4";
            name: "_selector";
            type: "bytes4";
        name: "isFunctionFreezable";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_address";
            type: "address";
        name: "isValidator";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "l2LogsRootHash";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "merkleRoot";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_gasPrice";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2GasLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "l2TransactionBaseCost";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "";
            type: "uint256";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "priorityQueueFrontOperation";
        outputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "canonicalTxHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "expirationTimestamp";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint192";
                name: "layer2Tip";
                type: "uint192";
            internalType: "struct PriorityOperation";
            name: "";
            type: "tuple";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
            name: "_prevBatch";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
            name: "_committedBatches";
            type: "tuple[]";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256[]";
                name: "recursiveAggregationInput";
                type: "uint256[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256[]";
                name: "serializedProof";
                type: "uint256[]";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.ProofInput";
            name: "_proof";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "proveBatches";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo";
            name: "_prevBatch";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "batchNumber";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "batchHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint64";
                name: "indexRepeatedStorageChanges";
                type: "uint64";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "numberOfLayer1Txs";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "priorityOperationsHash";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "l2LogsTreeRoot";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256";
                name: "timestamp";
                type: "uint256";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "commitment";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.StoredBatchInfo[]";
            name: "_committedBatches";
            type: "tuple[]";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint256[]";
                name: "recursiveAggregationInput";
                type: "uint256[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint256[]";
                name: "serializedProof";
                type: "uint256[]";
            internalType: "struct IExecutor.ProofInput";
            name: "_proof";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "proveBatchesSharedBridge";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "_l2TxHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2BatchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2MessageIndex";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint16";
            name: "_l2TxNumberInBatch";
            type: "uint16";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32[]";
            name: "_merkleProof";
            type: "bytes32[]";
        }, {
            internalType: "enum TxStatus";
            name: "_status";
            type: "uint8";
        name: "proveL1ToL2TransactionStatus";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_index";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint8";
                name: "l2ShardId";
                type: "uint8";
            }, {
                internalType: "bool";
                name: "isService";
                type: "bool";
            }, {
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "txNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "sender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "key";
                type: "bytes32";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes32";
                name: "value";
                type: "bytes32";
            internalType: "struct L2Log";
            name: "_log";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32[]";
            name: "_proof";
            type: "bytes32[]";
        name: "proveL2LogInclusion";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_index";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                internalType: "uint16";
                name: "txNumberInBatch";
                type: "uint16";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "sender";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "data";
                type: "bytes";
            internalType: "struct L2Message";
            name: "_message";
            type: "tuple";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes32[]";
            name: "_proof";
            type: "bytes32[]";
        name: "proveL2MessageInclusion";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "";
            type: "bool";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_contractL2";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2Value";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes";
            name: "_calldata";
            type: "bytes";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2GasLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "bytes[]";
            name: "_factoryDeps";
            type: "bytes[]";
        }, {
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_refundRecipient";
            type: "address";
        name: "requestL2Transaction";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "canonicalTxHash";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "payable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_newLastBatch";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "revertBatches";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_chainId";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_newLastBatch";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "revertBatchesSharedBridge";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_newPendingAdmin";
            type: "address";
        name: "setPendingAdmin";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "_zkPorterIsAvailable";
            type: "bool";
        name: "setPorterAvailability";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_newPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "setPriorityTxMaxGasLimit";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "_nominator";
            type: "uint128";
        }, {
            internalType: "uint128";
            name: "_denominator";
            type: "uint128";
        name: "setTokenMultiplier";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_transactionFilterer";
            type: "address";
        name: "setTransactionFilterer";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "address";
            name: "_validator";
            type: "address";
        }, {
            internalType: "bool";
            name: "_active";
            type: "bool";
        name: "setValidator";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "enum PubdataPricingMode";
            name: "_validiumMode";
            type: "uint8";
        name: "setValidiumMode";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_batchNumber";
            type: "uint256";
        name: "storedBatchHash";
        outputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "bytes32";
            name: "";
            type: "bytes32";
        stateMutability: "view";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "transferEthToSharedBridge";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [];
        name: "unfreezeDiamond";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";
    }, {
        inputs: readonly [{
            internalType: "uint256";
            name: "_protocolVersion";
            type: "uint256";
        }, {
            components: readonly [{
                components: readonly [{
                    internalType: "address";
                    name: "facet";
                    type: "address";
                }, {
                    internalType: "enum Diamond.Action";
                    name: "action";
                    type: "uint8";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bool";
                    name: "isFreezable";
                    type: "bool";
                }, {
                    internalType: "bytes4[]";
                    name: "selectors";
                    type: "bytes4[]";
                internalType: "struct Diamond.FacetCut[]";
                name: "facetCuts";
                type: "tuple[]";
            }, {
                internalType: "address";
                name: "initAddress";
                type: "address";
            }, {
                internalType: "bytes";
                name: "initCalldata";
                type: "bytes";
            internalType: "struct Diamond.DiamondCutData";
            name: "_cutData";
            type: "tuple";
        name: "upgradeChainFromVersion";
        outputs: readonly [];
        stateMutability: "nonpayable";
        type: "function";

  • Parameters

    • OptionalblockNumber: BlockNumberOrTag

    Returns Promise<bigint>

  • Returns the transaction confirmation data that is part of L2->L1 message.


    • txHash: string

      The hash of the L2 transaction where the message was initiated.

    • Optionalindex: number = 0

      In case there were multiple transactions in one message, you may pass an index of the transaction which confirmation data should be fetched.

    Returns Promise<{
        l1BatchNumber: string | number | bigint;
        l2MessageIndex: Numbers;
        l2TxNumberInBlock: string | number | bigint;
        proof: string[];

    If log proof can not be found.

  • Returns the parameters for the approval token transaction based on the request execute transaction. Existing allowance for the bridge is not checked; allowance is calculated solely based on the specified transaction.


    • transaction: RequestExecuteDetails

      The request execute transaction on which approval parameters are calculated.

    Returns Promise<{
        allowance: Numbers;
        token: string;

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<{
        method: PayableMethodObject<[{
            chainId: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            factoryDeps: Bytes[];
            l2Calldata: MatchPrimitiveType<"bytes", unknown>;
            l2Contract: string;
            l2GasLimit: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            l2Value: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            mintValue: MatchPrimitiveType<"uint256", unknown>;
            refundRecipient: string;
        }], MatchPrimitiveType<"bytes32", unknown>>;
        overrides: TransactionOverrides;

  • Returns a populated request execute transaction.


    Returns Promise<TransactionCall>

  • Returns whether the chain is ETH-based.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Returns whether the withdrawal transaction is finalized on the L1 network.


    • withdrawalHash: Bytes

      Hash of the L2 transaction where the withdrawal was initiated.

    • Optionalindex: number = 0

      In case there were multiple withdrawals in one transaction, you may pass an index of the withdrawal you want to finalize.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    If log proof can not be found.

  • Returns the L2 token address equivalent for a L1 token address as they are not necessarily equal. The ETH address is set to the zero address.


    • token: string

      The address of the token on L1.

    Returns Promise<string>

    Only works for tokens bridged on default ZKsync Era bridges.

  • Designed for users who prefer a simplified approach by providing only the necessary data to create a valid transaction. The only required fields are and either or transaction.value (or both, if the method is payable). Any other fields that are not set will be prepared by this method.


    • tx: DeepWriteable<Transaction & {
          customData?: null | Eip712Meta;
          type?: Numbers;

      The transaction request that needs to be populated.

    Returns Promise<DeepWriteable<Transaction & {
        customData?: null | Eip712Meta;
        type?: Numbers;

    import { Transaction, utils, Web3 } from "web3";
    import { types, ZkSyncPlugin, ZKsyncWallet } from "web3-plugin-zksync";

    async function main() {
    const web3: Web3 = new Web3("");
    web3.registerPlugin(new ZkSyncPlugin(""));

    const zksync: ZkSyncPlugin = web3.zkSync;
    const PRIVATE_KEY: string = "<WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY>";
    const wallet: ZKsyncWallet = new zksync.ZkWallet(PRIVATE_KEY);

    const EIP712_TX_TYPE = 0x71;
    const TO_ADDRESS = "<TO_ADDRESS>";
    const populatedTx: types.Eip712TxData | Transaction = await wallet.populateTransaction({
    type: utils.toHex(EIP712_TX_TYPE),
    to: TO_ADDRESS,
    value: utils.toHex(7_000_000_000),
  • Parameters

    • signedTx: string

    Returns Promise<string>