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// Copyright 2020 ChainSafe Systems
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! This module implements the logic for traversing a layout in a way that corresponds to how the binary data is arranged out.
//! Since BinProtRule is a recursive data type the correct traversal is a depth first traversal of the tree defined by the data type
//! with a few important differences.
//! The layout tree includes the concept of Sum(ocaml)/Enum(rust) types. These are nodes in the tree where only one branch should be taken
//! depending on which variant of the enum we are deserializing. When reading an enum from binary the first byte specifies which variant to deserialize.
//! It is the responsibility of the driving code to handle when Sum/Option rules are encountered and push the correct next rule to the stack.
//! The other interesting case is deserializing variable length vector types. When deserializing a vector the length can be read from the binary and then
//! the element rule pushed back to the stack using the `push_n` method. It will then repeat the given node `n` times to allow it to be deserialized.
//! The traversal of a layout should be done in parallel with reading a bin_prot encoded binary such that the type tree informs the deserializer how to read the
//! data and the data informs the traversal how it should handle enum types.
//! Combined this allows parsing of types defined by the layout into loosely typed representations.
use crate::value::layout::{BinProtRule, RuleRef};
/// Implements a depth first search of the type tree
/// defined by a BinProtRule
pub struct BinProtRuleIterator {
pub(crate) stack: Vec<BinProtRule>, // regular stack to implement the DFS
current_module_path: Option<String>, // holds on to most recent path encountered in traverse
impl Iterator for BinProtRuleIterator {
type Item = BinProtRule;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let top = self.stack.pop();
let r = top.clone();
match top {
Some(rule) => {
match rule {
BinProtRule::List(_rule) => {
// the code driving the iterator should take the list rule, push it
// then call repeat the required number of times
BinProtRule::Record(mut rules) => {
.extend(rules.drain(0..).map(|field| field.field_rule).rev());
BinProtRule::Tuple(mut rules) => {
BinProtRule::Sum(_) | BinProtRule::Polyvar(_) => {
// don't add to the stack. Add to the branch field instead
// this must be resolved by calling `branch` before the iterator can continue
BinProtRule::Option(_r) => {
// Option is a special case of a Sum where the None variant contain nothing
BinProtRule::Reference(rule_ref) => match rule_ref {
RuleRef::Unresolved(_payload) => {
RuleRef::Resolved(payload) => {
self.current_module_path = Some(payload.source_module_path);
return self.next();
| BinProtRule::Int
| BinProtRule::Int64
| BinProtRule::Nat0
| BinProtRule::Bool
| BinProtRule::Unit
| BinProtRule::Char
| BinProtRule::Int32
| BinProtRule::NativeInt
| BinProtRule::Float => {} // These are leaves so nothing required
BinProtRule::Custom(rules) => {
if let Some(path) = &self.current_module_path {
return Some(BinProtRule::CustomForPath(path.to_string(), rules));
_ => unimplemented!(),
None => None, // end of traversal
impl BinProtRuleIterator {
// Drop a custom rule onto the stack
pub fn push(&mut self, rules: Vec<BinProtRule>) {
// Drop a custom rule onto the stack n times
pub fn push_n(&mut self, rule: BinProtRule, n: usize) {
impl IntoIterator for BinProtRule {
type Item = BinProtRule;
type IntoIter = BinProtRuleIterator;
fn into_iter(self) -> <Self as IntoIterator>::IntoIter {
BinProtRuleIterator {
stack: vec![self],
current_module_path: None,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::value::layout::Layout;
const TEST_LAYOUT: &str = include_str!("./test_layouts/mina_state_hash_tuple.json");
fn test_layout() {
let layout: Layout = serde_json::from_str(TEST_LAYOUT).unwrap();
let mut iter = layout.bin_prot_rule.into_iter();
while let Some(v) = iter.next() {
println!("{:?}\n", v);
const TEST_LAYOUT_SUM: &str = include_str!("./test_layouts/sum_type_layout.json");
fn test_layout_sum() {
let layout: Layout = serde_json::from_str(TEST_LAYOUT_SUM).unwrap();
let mut iter = layout.bin_prot_rule.into_iter();
// Test by taking the 0th branch at each branch node. Test is considered as pass
// if no error
loop {
match iter.next() {
Some(v) => {
if let BinProtRule::Sum(summands) = v {
// if its a sum type take the first variant in each case
None => {