Expand description

Serde Bin-prot

example workflow License A Rust crate that adds serde support for the Bin_prot serialization format

IMPORTANT: This is a work in progress. There is not currently support for all types or full test coverage.


Following Serde convention this crate exposes a from_reader and to_writer function to serialize/deserialize bin_prot encoded streams of bytes.

Strongly Typed

This works with any Serde supported data type or any custom type annotated with #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)].


use bin_prot::{from_reader, to_writer};

fn main() {
  let val: Vec<i64> = vec![20, -22, 38];

  // Example write into a vec of bytes
  let mut output = Vec::<u8>::new();
  to_writer(&mut output, &val).unwrap();

  // Read back into a typed value
  let de_val: Vec<i64> = from_reader(output.as_slice()).unwrap();

  assert!(val == de_val)

Loosely Typed

Despite bin_prot being a non-self-describing format it is possible to deserialize into a loosely typed value if a layout descriptor file is provided. The layout files are typically written in JSON and describe the nested data structure that is to be deserialized. For the specification of the BinProtRule type see src/value/layout/mod.rs.

Note that, Loosely-typed deserialization is behind feature loose_deserialization which is disabled by default. Use below config snippet to turn it on.

bin-prot = {version="$version", features = ["loose_deserialization"]}

These are created using the Deserializer::from_reader_with_layout constructor.

use serde::Deserialize;
use bin_prot::{Deserializer, BinProtRule, Value};

// this rule describes a record with two fields, one itself being a record with a bool field
const RECORD_RULE: &str = r#"
    { "field_name": "first", "field_rule": ["Int"] },
    { "field_name": "second", "field_rule": ["Record", [{ "field_name": "inner", "field_rule": ["Bool"] }] ] }

fn main() {
    let rule: BinProtRule = serde_json::from_str(RECORD_RULE).unwrap();

    // this is the compact encoding of { first: 0, second: { inner: true } }
    let bytes = vec![0x00, 0x01];

    // provide both the raw bytes and the rule descriptor to `from_reader_with_layout`
    let mut de = Deserializer::from_reader(bytes.as_slice()).with_layout(&rule);

    // we can now deserialize into a bin_prot::Value type!
    let result: Value = Deserialize::deserialize(&mut de).unwrap();

    // These support indexing (strings for struct fields and usize for tuple/vector types)


All tests can be run through cargo

cargo test


Distributed under the Apache-2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.


Willem Olding


pub use value::layout::BinProtRule;
pub use value::layout::Layout;
pub use value::Value;


Error objects and codes
The variable length integer types used in BinProt By default rust integer types are serialized using variable length integer. To force a specific type annotate a field with #[serde(with = "nat0")] or #[serde(with = “integer”)]` where nat0 and integer are the submodule exported from this module.
The Value enum, a loosely typed way of representing any valid bin_prot value.


A BinProt deserializer that reads from a BufReader Can operate in strong or loose deserialization mode
Serializer for writing BinProt bytes to a writer


Extension trait for readers implementing io::Read to allow them to read a bin_prot encoded values
extension trait for writers implementing io::Write to allow them to write the primitive values for bin_prot


Hash the label string (ASCII not UTF-8) into a OCaml style variant hash
Convenience method, create a BinProt deserializer from the given reader and then read from it
Convenience method, create a BinProt deserializer from the given reader and then read from it. This method also ensures the input byte stream is fully consumed.
Convenience function, creates serializer and uses it to write the given value to the writer

Type Definitions

Type alias for hash result