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// Copyright 2020 ChainSafe Systems
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! OCaml polyvars use a special integer output hash function to index variants
//! This module reimplements this hash function
/// Type alias for hash result
pub type VariantHash = u32;
/// Hash the label string (ASCII not UTF-8) into a OCaml style variant hash
pub fn caml_hash_variant(label: &str) -> VariantHash {
.fold(0_u32, |accu, byte| 223 * accu + (*byte as u32))
/* original C code
CAMLexport value caml_hash_variant(char const * tag)
value accu;
/* Same hashing algorithm as in ../typing/btype.ml, function hash_variant */
for (accu = Val_int(0); *tag != 0; tag++)
accu = Val_int(223 * Int_val(accu) + *((unsigned char *) tag));
accu = accu & Val_long(0x7FFFFFFFL);
/* Force sign extension of bit 31 for compatibility between 32 and 64-bit
platforms */
return (int32_t) accu;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_known_labels() {
const CASES: &[(&str, u32)] = &[("One", 3953222_u32), ("Two", 4203884_u32)];
for (label, hash) in CASES {
assert_eq!(caml_hash_variant(label), *hash)
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
#[should_panic(expected = "attempt to multiply with overflow")]
fn test_overflow_variant() {
let _ = caml_hash_variant("Three");