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This crate implements a number of the base types required to define the Mina protocol. This includes various types of state, blocks, slots, keypairs, numbers etc. All types are versioned where required.


Module contains the Account data type and associated types
Types related to the Blockchain State
Types related to the Blockchain State Registers
Common data types.
Types and funcions related to the Mina consensus state
Delta transition chain proof structures and functions
Types and functions related to the EpochData structure
Mina ExternalTransition
GraphQL API json conversion traits and utilities
Structure of a global slot
Newtypes for different numeric types used throughout Mina
Types related to the Mina protocol state
Module containing the components of a protocol state proof
Protocol version structure
Types related to the Transaction Snark Work
In this context a diff refers to a difference between two states of the blockchain. In this case it is between the current state and the proposed next state.
Re-export all the public types under this module for convenience
User commands are how external users can mutate the state of the Mina ledger This module contains the command data structures and helpers to create and serialize new commands to broadcast to the network
Traits and helpers for data structures that require validation
types and functions related to Mina verificiation keys



Re-export serialization type annotations This trait annotates a given type its corresponding bin-prot serialization type,
Re-export serialization type annotations This trait annotates a given type its corresponding json serialization type, and provide utility functions to easily convert between them