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Test Suite

Gossamer Test Suite

To run Gossamer unit tests run the following command:

make test

The above command will run all tests on project files with a timeout set for 20 minutes, and generate a coverage report in root c.out.

You can view the coverage report through HTML by running the below command after running the above unit tests, or by visiting our code coverage report here.

go tool cover -html=c.out -o cover.html

Proceed to open cover.html in your preferred browser.

Gossamer Integration Tests

Running Gossamer's integration tests with the below commands will build a Gossamer binary, install required dependencies, and then proceeds to run the provided set of tests. Integration tests can also be run within a docker container.

To run Gossamer integration tests in stress mode run the following command:

make it-stress

To run Gossamer integration tests against GRANDPA in stress mode run the following command:

make it-grandpa

To run Gossamer RPC integration tests run the following command:

make it-rpc

To run Gossamer Network integration tests run the following command:

make it-network

To run Gossamer Sync integration tests run the following command:

make it-sync

To run Gossamer Polkadot.js integration tests run the following command:

make it-polkadotjs